Case Studies
Case Studies

Robsons were instructed to select a developer on a subject to planning basis for two parcels of land at the London School of Theology, namely LST A & LST B.
The first site (LST A) comprised of 3 luxury detached properties located within the north-west corner of the existing site, being independently accessed from College Way.
A developer was selected and duly delivered planning within 12 months. This was delivered at local level (by the relevant local authority), without the requirement for an appeal. The properties have now all sold and completed.
The second parcel (known as LST B), again located within the grounds of the existing College (but being accessed directly off Green Lane), was sold to a developer on a subject to planning basis. Planning was again achieved at local level for the erection of 6 luxury apartments, each accommodated with 2 surface parking spaces. Construction has been completed and all the units are now occupied.
Robsons were retained by the landowner to select a purchaser with planning consent in place for 2 detached properties and the refurbishment/extension of the existing locally listed building known as Oakhurst. Banner Homes (now CALA Homes) acquired the site and built the 2 new detached units in late 2010. Both properties were sold within 2 weeks of formal marketing.
Planning permission was then obtained at local level in 2014 for the erection of 2 detached properties on the frontage of the existing plot (direct access being provided on to Northgate). Both plots have been completed and sold (again within a very quick timeframe from the formal show home release). Robsons remained in place as the instructed agent throughout the entire project duration, which of course resulted in a successful conclusion for the client. The selection of the purchaser was very important given the sensitive nature of the site and the issue of dealing with the demolition of a locally listed building, which was in a very poor structural condition.
Robsons, having been involved with two other parcels of land that formed part of the London School of Theology, set about acquiring a third element on behalf of retained clients in 2015/6. The third section comprised an area of approximately 1.5 acres accessed directly off Green Lane and incorporated Aldiss House, Weatherby House, Mitchell House and 1 & 2 College Close. Planning permission was sought and granted for an exclusive development of apartments. These properties have also been completed and sold.